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What Does Dissymmetry Mean


Scientists of the XIX and XX centuries, first of all Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908) and his students Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), Pierre Curie (1859–1906), Vladimir Vernadsky and A.G. Gurvich (1874 - 1954), developed the fundamentals  for the interaction of the human body with natural surrounding in the biosphere. Their essence is outlined as follows: in the biosphere, cells can originate and live, both with left-handed and with right-handed optical activities.


For the first time, dissymmetry in a living organism was discovered by Antoine Béchamp and his disciple Louis Pasteur. They have determined empirically that dextral (right-handed) organisms, in which dextral molecules and cells dominate, live on Earth. This is the basic law of biology, which was unfortunately neglected. Crystallography is not also among favourites in biological laboratories, and it is for no reason! Namely it is a basis of organic life on Earth!


French chemists Antoine Béchamp and Louis Pasteur, who are world-famous due to the invention of pasteurization and vaccinations, in 1847 discovered the existence of molecules with left-handed and right-handed optical activity in a living substance. They also discovered that there is no equal number of  left-handed and right-handed forms of molecules in one biological substance, and Antoine Béchamp and Louis Pasteur named this quantitative difference as dissymmetry. Since that time, the era of studying natural dissymmetry and the source of its origin has begun.


What could be the cause of dissymmetry in a substance - such an inequality

of left and right forms of molecules?


Antoine Béchamp, Louis Pasteur, Pierre Curie, and Vladimir Vernadsky suggested that the dissymmetry arises due to the existence of a similar phenomenon in the surrounding space. Besides these classics, other several scientists brouht up this topic. But only a few modern scientists are interested in this fundamental problem of the universe, because it “smells” of mysticism upon its close examination.


Dissymmetry characterizes movement and change, and symmetry characterizes peace and preservation. By the way, it is determined that cancer cells have a complete symmetry!


There is more space for modification and the emergence of new phenomena in a less symmetrical environment. There are elements of symmetry and dissymmetry in living substances, where symmetry ensures the constancy of a substance, and dissymmetry ensures its variability. Due to dissymmetry, the substance changes, makes a progress, moves about adapting to the environment. 


According to Pierre Curie‘s principle, the environment creates the external structure of the organism, its dissymmetry, which is in turn the basis for the development of the internal organization, which also has some independence in relation to the external system. For example, proteins show some resistance to the cytoplasm of a cell, thereby ensuring the constancy of the living organism.


The phenomena of symmetry and dissymmetry exist jointlly in the same objects.


Symmetry preserves the shades of the past, on the contrary, dissymmetry characterizes the mobility of events, the time evolution. The widespread property of the dissymmetry of natural organic compounds plays a well-known role in the plant and animal world. Dissymmetry of organisms means that the inequality of the right-handed and left-handed parts provided that an axis of simple symmetry exists. In insentient substance, only nanocrystals with the fifth axis

of symmetry have a physeal disymmetry.


Dissymmetry of asymmetric objects is also possible; in this case, asymmetric

formations turn into less asymmetric formations.

“Dissymmetry is a directional eurhythmy and is not a simple amount of deviations from symmetry, but a universal form of Genesis, combining all forms of symmetry and asymmetry, which are considered as its limiting cases” (A. V. Makedonov, 2000). 



Examples of dissymmetry


Strictly speaking absolute symmetry in large and complex structures is impossible. The complexity of functional systems causes partial deviations from the main symmetric scheme, determining the nature of the composition. The broken, partially disturbed symmetry, we call as dissymmetry.


Dissymmetry is a widespread phenomenon in the natural world. It is common for a human being as well. An individual is not symmetric, despite of the fact that the outlines of his body have a symmetry plane. Dissymmetry affects to the better ability of one of the hands, in the asymmetrical cardiac situs position of the heart and many other organs, in the structure of these organs.


The human body dissymmetries are similar to deviations from exact symmetry in architecture. Usually they are caused by practical necessity, so that the variety of functions does not fit to the rigid regularities of symmetry. Sometimes such deviations provide the basis for a sharp emotional effect. Even the destruction of a small part in a symmetrical composition immediately breaks the balance and generates tension in the entire system. Any deviation becomes

an eye-catching and disturbing accent.


Such effect of broken symmetry can be used as an artistic tool. In architecture,

the use of "broken symmetry" "revives" buildings.


Based on this point we can make a conclusion that dissymmetry means life, symmetry means death. Water with relic dissymmetry inherently means “living water”! That is why, when receiving a dissymmetrical water, a living organism instantly perceives

it and becomes more alive and more healthy.


Now we can already say that anisotropy and dissymmetry are connected and follow each other. We consist of 70-80% of water and must follow her call! Since nature keeps all its deepest secrets on the “palms”, and as you know they are dissymmetrical!


What Dissymmetry means
Examples of Dissymmetry
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