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Why human needs potable dissymmetrical water?


The water percentage in the body, its organs and structures is specified in any source

of literature on human physiology.


The principal part of the water inside the body is a “bound” water, which is concentrated inside the cells (about 70%), and the rest (30%) is extracellular water. 7% of extracellular water are blood and lymph, namely the blood filtrate, and the rest flows over the cells of the body.

This is the intertissue or “free” water of the body.


A number of organs in the human body contains a lot of water as a part of its composition. For example, the brain, germ cells, skin, liver, etc. The human embryo consists of 97% of water, and a newborn has 85-90% of water. Over the years, the water volume in the body decreases gradually up to 60-50%.


Such organ as a brain contains specifically structured “bound” water. If the slightest substance, which does not inherent with a human body, enters into it, a “distraction” or dysfunction of the individual’s mental state occurs. The examples of such substances are alcohol, nicotine, drugs, toxic and other hazardous substances, stimulants, including drug-doping substances.


Basically, our body quickly feels a breach of liquid balance. So the approximately 6-8% dehydration

of the body weight causes a serious condition, close to fainting. If the dehydration achieves 10-12%,

a cardiac arrest may occur.

Over the whole life the genuine ratio between intracellular (bound) water and intercellular (free) water in the body has to be supported permanently. The processes, which occur in the human body, relate to dynamic changes in the medium density. The changes of intercellular medium density lead to the stable ratio between the intracellular (bound) water and the intercellular (free) water.


The state depends on the clusters of water, proteins, their charge, on their “spin” direction (right, left) and speed. To establish a dynamic "balance" it is necessary to ensure energy flow into the cell through dissymmetrization.  Then the energy will fill the intracellular and intercellular space itself in, and it will intensify the dissymmetry and make the cell healthy in its turn.


The human body "loses" up to 50-60% of water with age, and gradually becomes more symmetrical and isotropic By age of 70-90 years the water dissymmetry in the body decreases up to 8-16 DISS. The individual’s health status and its longevity depend on the continuous sustentation of the body water homeostasis (amount of water). In its turn, an individual has to drink high-quality

potable water, which structural and biophysical characteristics match

the intracellular water properties to the utmost.


Water has not to be just clean, purified, filtered, etc., it has to have a certain structural order,

and natural bio-energy (the so-called "living water").


According to the Doctor of Medicine Professor Michail V. Kutushov opinion the water in a human body can exist in three states: free, fractal and crystalline. At the same time, all the listed states have different dissymmetry coefficients. The constant ratio between fractal, crystalline and free water in the body can be ensured only by systematic drinking dissymmetrical potable water.




Lets define the basic chemical, microbiological and physical criteria which

a potable water has to meet to preserve an individual’s health.


1. Potable water has to contain all the micro-and macroelements, which are necessary for an human body works properly.


It should be natural, surface, liquid water, which has its own genuine bio-energy, genuine properties assigned to it and the highest criteria of structural order, it means fractal, dissymmetrical potable water.


2. Water has to be natural, accessible, digestible, has to have maximum penetrating power through the cell membranes of the body, as well as basic physical and physiological characteristics comparable to intracellular water.


For example, tap water has a surface tension coefficient up to 73 J/ m2, and intracellular water has a surface tension coefficient about 43 J/ m2. 

Moreover, all types of tap and bottled water have a low dissymmetry coefficient.  A body cell requires a large amount of energy to overcome the water surface tension to dissymmetrize the water molecules inside the body. Upon getting into the body any food and water have to be dissymmetrized  at first up to the certain level, and only afterwards they are digested. If an individual drinks water dissymmetrized beforehand, the body shouldn’t waste its energy to do it.


3. Potable water should not be hard. The amount of calcium (Ca) should be around 10-20 mg / l. Due to the human body continuous intoxication by various environmental toxins, structured alkaline water (pH 8.0 - 9.0) is more acceptable for our body. It is alkaline and structurally ordered drinking water that better maintains the acid-base balance of body fluids, most of which have a weak alkaline reaction. 


While dissymmetration water is alkalized, for that reason it is important to drink water with a predefined dissymmetry coefficient.


4. The oxidation reduction potential potential (ORP) or redox potential, which is an important characteristic of potable water, has to correspond to the ORP of the intercellular fluid. This value ranges from -100 to -200 mV (millivolt). In this case, the body does not need to it additional energy to ORP annealing.


Annealing water ORP can also be achieved outside the body, because the water redox potential directly depends on the potable water dissymmetry coefficient.


5. Potable water should not contain any negative information for the human body. Negative information, which contains in potable water and affects the cellular structure of the physical body is blocked the DISSA applicator. Dissymmetrical water harmonizes the body.


6. Water from the glaciers of Iceland has a redox potential (-200 mV) and pH 8.5 as well as a high dissymmetry coefficient of up to 16 DISS. This information confirms that in ancient times water dissymmetry and anisotropy were very high, and it gave an impulse to origin of an organic life form on the Earth. 


Modern habitat becomes more and more symmetrical and isotropic, it leads to the degeneration of all types of life forms. 
Under current conditions self-generation  of life on planet Earth would be impossible due to the crucial decrease of space and water dissymmetry.


7. Discovered another amazing property of dissymmetrical water. She "hides" harmful substances in their "cavities". The redox potential, pH and organoleptic properties of water become suitable for consumption and acquire relic properties.


8. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of all health related problems are driven by the potable water quality. An individual can’t be healthy if he drinks poor-quality potable water. Drinking dissymmetrical water continually and regularly facilitates chronic diseases treatment, prevents their exacerbation without using additional medications and other auxiliary methods of treatment as well as accelerates the recovery process by several times.


Why needs DISSA
Criteria of water for human health
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